Do you feel like you're constantly overwhelmed and never get to the end of your to-do list? You're not alone! Staring at a giant list makes most of us freeze up, and avoid getting started altogether.
We're here to help! As a self-confessed hot-mess, Steph developed this productivity hack to help her to get clear on priorities, and start ticking off those to-dos without feeling overwhelmed.
The Top 3, Quick 3 Task Hack
Ready to get started? Narrowing down your priorities is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Use the steps below to help you identify your three most important tasks for the day, plus three quick and easy tasks that will give you a feeling of achievement as you easily tick them off that day.
Step 1: Brain dump
List out all of your to-dos in your planner, or in a notebook or notepad. It feels so good to get it out of your brain and onto paper!
Step 2: Choose your Top 3
Look through your list and ask yourself these questions to determine your Daily Top 3 Tasks:
- Will this task significantly impact my week?
- Does this task have an urgent deadline?
- Will this task move me closer to my long-term goals?
Step 3: Choose Your Quick 3
Look through your remaining list and ask yourself these questions to determine your Daily Top 3 Tasks.
- Will this task take under 15 minutes to complete?
- Is this task relatively simple?
- Does this task need to be completed this week?
Step 4: Tick them off
Write your Top 3 and Quick 3 into your Planner in the space provided, or simply note them down in your notebook or notepad.
Stay focused, and enjoy that feeling of ticking them off knowing you're on track to hitting your goals!

Ready to hear more?
Listen to the Stephing Up episode 'The Productivity Hack That Changed My Life' to hear Steph talk through how she uses this task hack every day.